Power of Cryptography at Your Fingertips: Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)

In this enlightening piece, we delve into the realm of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), offering a straightforward example to demystify this concept and highlighting its practical applications.

Cryptography, a niche within the broader IT sector, contrasts with the traditional Web2 world by its dynamic and still-evolving nature in the Web3 domain, despite the surrounding hype. Within this niche, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) stand out as a cutting-edge cryptographic method, offering solutions to fundamental issues such as data storage, transaction processing, and enhancing access to financial services. This innovation has spurred significant investment into blockchain technologies, recognizing their potential to revolutionize various aspects of digital interaction.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) are mathematical protocols allowing one party to prove the truth of a statement to another party without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement itself. Prominent ZKP solutions include zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs, PLONK, and Bulletproofs, each contributing to the enhancement of privacy and security within the blockchain and Web3 sectors. This allows users to enjoy personalized web services without sacrificing control over their personal data. However, a gap remains between the theoretical potential of ZKPs and their actual adoption.


The concept of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) originated from a groundbreaking paper titled "The Knowledge Complexity Of Interactive Proof Systems" in the early 1980s by S. Goldwasser, S. Micali, and C. Rackoff. Initially theoretical, this model aimed to address the challenge of verifying mathematical propositions without revealing the proofs, capturing widespread academic interest for its innovative approach to encryption and confidential information handling.

Transitioning from theory to practical application, ZKPs have evolved into tangible protocols integrated into various digital platforms. The advent of the internet and digital communication in the early 21st century accelerated the exploration of ZKPs' real-world applications, particularly with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies enhancing privacy, security, and transaction efficiency.

Today, ZKPs are not only a hot topic in cryptographic research but also a fundamental component of numerous blockchain platforms and applications. For instance, the implementation of zk-SNARKs on Ethereum Layer2 offers transaction anonymity without disclosing transaction details. This practical application signifies ZKPs' value, encouraging further development of more efficient and secure digital interactions. As technology progresses, ZKPs are becoming increasingly vital in protecting privacy, securing data, and building robust digital ecosystems.

Why Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) Are Essential

As previously highlighted, Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) offer significant benefits in safeguarding privacy. In today's era of information overload, personal data often resides on third-party platforms, heightening the risk of information breaches. Moreover, due to technical barriers and delayed legal actions, information security largely relies on ethical constraints, making genuine control over personal data challenging for users. The advent of ZKP technology provides a solution that both protects privacy and enhances the efficiency and security of verification processes.

ZKPs boast several advantages over traditional encryption technologies:

Privacy Protection: ZKPs enable individuals and institutions to prove the truth of specific information without disclosing its actual content. For instance, they can verify age compliance without revealing actual age or birth date.

Enhanced Security: Since ZKPs do not require revealing confidential information, they reduce the risk of data breaches. Even in the event of an interception during the proof process, no substantive data would be compromised.

Fraud Reduction: In financial transactions, ZKPs can verify the legality of a transaction without disclosing its specifics, thereby minimizing opportunities for fraud.

Efficiency: Some ZKP types, such as zk-SNARK, are generated and verified rapidly, beneficial for systems needing to process a high volume of transactions or verification operations.

Interoperability: ZKPs provide a common foundation for verification across different systems and domains, facilitating secure information verification and exchange.

Scalability: With advances in computing, ZKP implementations are becoming more efficient and scalable, allowing their integration into larger systems.

Regulatory Compliance: In a regulatory environment demanding consumer privacy protection, ZKPs can assist companies in verifying and processing data without breaching privacy laws.

User Control: ZKPs enhance user control over their data, as they can decide the extent of information disclosure.

Decentralization: In blockchain and distributed technologies, ZKPs offer a powerful privacy tool for decentralization, enabling users to transact and interact without relying on central authorities.

Whether in traditional Web 2.0 or the emerging Web 3.0, the potential applications of ZKPs are vast.

ZKP through a Simple Analogy

Consider two characters, Victor (verifier) and Peggy (prover), to illustrate ZKP. Suppose Peggy has a secret she doesn’t want to reveal to Victor. Victor is interested not in the secret itself but in verifying its existence. Here, ZKP becomes a crucial tool: Peggy can prove the existence of the secret without revealing its essence to Victor.

For ZKP to be successfully applied, three main properties must be met:

Completeness: Peggy (prover) can convince Victor (verifier) of the secret’s existence with high, albeit not absolute, certainty.

Soundness: Peggy cannot convince Victor of the secret’s existence if it indeed does not exist (with a probability of error approaching 0).

Zero-knowledgeness: During the proof process, Victor gains no information about the secret itself.

Since the proof’s truthfulness is not absolute, Victor and Peggy need to conduct several iterations for Victor to be confidently assured of the secret’s existence. This makes ZKP an interactive or communicative protocol.

Another illustrative example is the "Ali Baba cave" scenario, demonstrating the concept of probabilistic proof. Imagine a cave with a circular tunnel having one entrance and a door in the middle, invisible from the tunnel's start and opened only with magic words. Peggy knows these words and wants to prove it to Victor without disclosing the words. This example illustrates how ZKP enables the proof of knowledge or capabilities without revealing the secret information.

The Zero-Knowledge Proof Process in the Ali Baba Cave Scenario

  • Initial Position: Victor stands at point A, at the cave's entrance.

  • Peggy's Movement: Peggy enters the cave and proceeds to the door via either path C or D, hiding her choice from Victor.

  • Victor's Choice: After Peggy disappears from view, Victor moves to point B and calls out to Peggy, directing from which path he wants her to emerge.

  • Peggy's Exit: Peggy exits through the path chosen by Victor. If necessary, she uses the magic words to open the door.

  • Repetition: These steps are repeated several times for Victor to be convinced of Peggy’s knowledge.

This sequence of actions demonstrates that Peggy knows the magic words without revealing them to Victor, while Victor becomes assured of Peggy’s knowledge without gaining additional information.

If Peggy does not know the secret, her chances of deceiving Victor decrease with each repetition of the proof stages. Without knowing the magic words, she can only exit through the path she initially entered. The probability of Peggy randomly choosing the correct path is 50% in each round. Therefore, the chance of deceiving Victor in one round is also 50%.

However, with each subsequent round, this probability decreases exponentially. For example, the probability of deception over two rounds is only 25% (1/4), and over n rounds, it's 1/2^n. If Victor conducts a sufficient number of rounds (e.g., n=10-20), and Peggy successfully completes the task each time, he can be confident that she indeed knows the magic words that open the door between points C and D.

A Simplified Comparison of Various ZKP Schemes

Before diving into comparisons, let's understand the criteria for evaluating Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs):

  • Proof Size: The data volume in the proof, affecting storage and transmission costs.

  • Verification Time: The time required to verify the proof.

  • Proof Generation Time: The time needed to create the proof.

  • Memory Usage: The amount of memory required during proof creation and verification.

  • Versatility: Whether the proof system is applicable to various types of computations.

  • Trusted Setup: Whether an initial phase of trusted setup is required.

  • Post-Quantum Security: Whether it can withstand attacks by future quantum computers.

Let’s compare zk-SNARKs, zk-STARKs, PLONK, and Bulletproofs based on these criteria and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.



  • Proof Size: Extremely small, making them suitable for bandwidth-limited environments.

  • Verification Time: Quick verification suits scenarios needing fast response.

  • Versatility: Applicable to various complex computations.


  • Proof Generation Time and Memory Usage: Generating proofs can be time-consuming and memory-intensive.

  • Trusted Setup: Requires an initial phase of trusted setup; if compromised, the system's security is at risk.

  • Post-Quantum Security: Most constructions are not post-quantum secure.



  • No Trusted Setup: Eliminates the need for a trusted setup, enhancing system security.

  • Post-Quantum Security: Resistant to attacks from quantum computers.

  • Proof Size: Larger than zk-SNARK but manageable under certain conditions.


  • Proof Size: Larger than zk-SNARK, potentially reducing data storage and transmission efficiency.

  • Proof Generation Time: Possibly slower than zk-SNARKs, especially for complex computations.



  • Versatility: A single set of parameters applies to multiple different proofs, reducing redundant work.

  • Proof Size: Relatively small, though larger than zk-SNARK.

  • Upgradability: Easy to update and maintain.


  • Trusted Setup: Less stringent setup requirements than zk-SNARKs, but still required.

  • Post-Quantum Security: Similarly, most constructions are not post-quantum secure.



  • No Trusted Setup: No need for a trusted setup, reducing security risks.

  • Proof Size: Proof size grows slowly with the complexity of the statement.

  • Verification Time: Fast for range proofs.


  • Proof Generation Time: Generating proofs can take longer.

  • Proof Size: Though smaller, still larger than zk-SNARK for substantial proofs.

  • Post-Quantum Security: Not specifically designed for a post-quantum environment.

Applications of ZKP in Web3

In the Web3 space, there are numerous applications of ZKP. Here, we explore two typical use cases.

Blockchain Scaling

Ethereum Layer2 zk-Rollups are a second-layer solution that aggregates hundreds or thousands of off-chain transactions and generates a zk-SNARK proof. This proof, along with transaction data, is submitted to the Ethereum main chain. It allows transactions to be confirmed without processing each transaction by the main chain, thereby reducing fees and increasing throughput. Companies like zk-Sync Era and Starknet utilize zk-rollup technology, while Polygon recently introduced Polygon zk-EVM using zk-rollup.

Data Privacy

Exchange Reserve Proof Exchange reserve proof refers to verifying the balances held by cryptocurrency exchanges or other financial institutions, ensuring that the recorded assets match the actual stored assets. Initially, exchanges used Merkle trees and third-party auditing firms for such verification, but this process depended on third parties and could lead to the exposure of users' private data, such as account balances. Exchanges like Gate.io now use zk-SNARK technology for reserve proofs, encrypting user data and obtaining users' asset numbers through zk-SNARK schemes, thus issuing comprehensive reserve proof reports.


The diverse solutions of zero-knowledge proof technology underscore its powerful potential in Web3. From protecting data privacy to scaling blockchain, ZKP plays a crucial role in creating a secure and efficient Web3 infrastructure. Although different approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, collectively they point to a more secure and private digital future. As technology evolves, the challenges of optimizing performance and security with ZKP will gradually be overcome, highlighting its increasingly significant role in the digital landscape.

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