How to Reduce the Cost of Mobile App Development?

Tips for lowering the cost of mobile app development for startups.

Recently, you've been thinking about bringing your business right to people's fingertips by launching a mobile app. You have a clear vision of what you want in your app, who your target users are, and what you expect from the app. However, the high costs associated with mobile app development are holding you back. App developers, especially for startups, charge by the hour, and rates can vary widely depending on location. If you're considering outsourcing, you might wonder how to go about it and whether the quality of your app will meet your standards. These concerns can delay your desire to have a mobile app. But worry no moreโ€”read on to discover some secrets to obtaining a high-quality mobile application at reduced prices.

Clear and Detailed Framework

Having a clear understanding of the features, specifications, and user experience you want from your mobile application can significantly reduce costs. Vague and undetailed requirements can confuse developers and lead to changes, increasing expenses. Ensure your requirements are easily understandable by developers so you can achieve your desired outcomes on the first try. Setting too many goals for your app can create confusion among developers, and clarifying these can lead to higher costs.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

An MVP is essentially a prototype of the final version, showcasing the basic functionality of the end product. It helps gauge user reaction to an early access version, allowing the app to evolve based on user feedback by adding secondary features. Initial user feedback can lead to improvements by incorporating necessary changes, capturing user sentiment, and thus, securing early profits.

Developing an MVP avoids the need for a detailed interface and brand-specific design initially. This approach enables business leaders to make new investments later, taking into account feedback and changes. Launching an MVP focuses on a single region with enough features and capabilities to satisfy early users.

Cross-Platform Application Development

With a variety of devices operating on different platforms hitting the market, it's essential to have an app that performs equally well across all platforms. The most popular platforms are iOS and Android, each with its unique UI characteristics. However, developing a separate app for each platform can be financially draining. To save costs, seasoned developers employ advanced hybrid or cross-platform frameworks, allowing for the creation of apps that mimic native counterparts in design and performance on multiple platforms.

Apps developed using a cross-platform framework can operate on several platforms, eliminating the need to rewrite them for each platform separately, which saves on development costs. Utilizing languages like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS in cross-platform frameworks such as React Native, Angular, and Flutter helps create a single codebase for multiple platforms. From a financial perspective, creating a native app from scratch is impractical. Cross-platform apps prove to be cost-effective, less expensive, and have a broader reach. As a result, the list of companies specializing in cross-platform app development is continually growing.

Using Open Source Templates

Developing a unique and fully original mobile app from scratch can be prohibitively expensive and requires a high level of expertise. A significant cost reduction can be achieved by utilizing free, open-source templates. These templates offer standardized APIs compatible with most frameworks, facilitating a smoother development process. Open-source templates have undergone rigorous testing and come with robust construction mechanisms that expedite software development. Moreover, they encourage collaboration within the developer community, allowing for the exchange and enhancement of apps. An added benefit is the availability of third-party plugins, enhancing functionality and facilitating improvements.

Agile Methodology

The Agile methodology's incremental approach enables developers to make flexible changes throughout the development, testing, and deployment phases, leading to a more efficient creation process of the final product. Traditional methodologies often require completing the product before testing, which can be less cost-effective and time-consuming. Agile allows for adjustments at every stage, simplifying the path to a polished product.

Focusing on Essential Features

Incorporating every possible feature can significantly increase development costs. For instance, an e-commerce app needs a payment gateway and product categorization. However, understanding the user base and adding only necessary features can prevent unnecessary expenses. Avoiding superfluous functionalities not only reduces clutter within the app but also cuts development costs. Mobile apps rely on certain device features like cameras and GPS, but not all apps or devices need these functionalities. For example, a recipe or fitness app may not require GPS, and omitting it can save on costs.

Internal Team vs. Outsourcing

Startups face the dilemma of developing an app in-house or outsourcing. While hiring an internal team offers control, it can be costly and time-consuming, especially for startups needing expertise in various domains. Outsourcing, on the other hand, taps into a global pool of skilled app developers, allowing startups to focus on their core business and save resources.

The Crucial Role of Detailed Documentation

Though it may seem like a tedious and formal process, providing developers with detailed documentation is highly recommended. This document should give a comprehensive background of your company, a clear concept of the app, and general requirements, potentially including finer details for discussion during the workflow. While it might seem counterintuitive, investing time in creating a thorough requirement list upfront can save significant costs and help avoid unnecessary revisions later.

Effective Communication with Developers

Maintaining clear and constant communication with your development team in a language they understand is essential to prevent any misunderstandings or ambiguities. Transparent communication ensures that any needed corrections or additions are identified early, potentially saving on costs associated with late-stage changes.

The Trend Towards Minimalist Design

The current trend leans towards minimalist designs and straightforward interfaces, which are not only user-friendly but also cost-effective. A simple design approach can make your app appear modern and appealing without overcomplicating the user experience.

The Need for a Skilled QA

Team Quality Assurance (QA) testers play a vital role in identifying and fixing gaps in the product. Startups employing non-Agile methodologies should consider automated testing or having a highly skilled QA team. Skipping QA can lead to higher costs post-launch for fixing bugs and other issues.

Meeting Deadlines Without Rushing

Rushing the development process can lead to mistakes, causing delays and additional costs. It's important to set realistic timelines and resist the urge to accelerate unnecessarily, ensuring that developers have adequate time to deliver a polished product.

Be Aware of Hidden Costs and Updates

Many companies overlook the costs associated with app updates when budgeting. User feedback post-launch often necessitates UI improvements and bug fixes, leading to the need for regular updates. Apps that are frequently updated tend to perform better and retain more active users. Always account for the cost of adding new features to stay competitive in the market.

Need Help with Mobile App Development?

To minimize the costs of developing a mobile application, startups are advised to outsource the development process with a clear and detailed understanding of their requirements. Starting with a basic cross-platform app allows a company to gauge audience reaction and make necessary adjustments in later stages. Leveraging the latest technological advancements can help achieve a high-quality mobile app at a lower cost. The ultimate goal should be to get it right the first time.

If you still have questions that this article hasn't answered, feel free to book a free call with our CTO or leave your contact details on our website. We're here to address all your inquiries and guide you through the app development process.

Last updated