Configuring Google Tag Manager for different environments, and integrating 3rd parties through it

Problem statement

  1. Several 3rd parties to be integrated quickly without the need for development, with the possibility to easily manage what and when to activate, with the distirbution to different environments to test any changes before it goes to production

  2. Clear understanding that each 3rd party iframe or script embedding can be dependent on delivery processes and development of other features, increasing the delivery to production up to weeks

  3. Specific solutions to integrate: Hotjar, Appcues, Dealfront

Google Tag Manager as a solution

Google Tag manager provides the possibility to configure different environments:

It means we can perform the testing before actually turning something on on production.

Each environment is supposed to have its own auth code and environment number which can be embedded to the main development environments, thus allowing the google tag manager to differentiate the data sources.

Turning on a 3rd party integration via tag on Hotjar example

Hotjar provides a simple instruction how to embed it in Google Tag Manager:

Given google tag manager environments are already configured and embedded to main development environments, the effort to turn on hotjar in the system counts with hours, not days.

Within one day it is possible to:

  1. Turn on a simple hotjar integration on a test development environment

  2. Test it

  3. Turn it on on production

To understand how to configure environments and tags, refer to the corresponding manuals from Google.

Free technical consultation on GTM integration

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Last updated