Landing Page and Whitepaper: The Cornerstone of a Successful Project Launch

Tips for creating impressive and persuasive landing pages and whitepapers at the start of your startup.

Having a cool idea in your head is certainly good. But you need to sell it to the user. Without that, it's a no-go. It's the visualization of a well-thought-out idea that you should invest in first and foremost. It needs to be "tasty," "juicy," so that I believe in it, want to use it, and bring you my money. I assume you already have a plan on how to achieve this, but since you're here, I suggest comparing your plan with our advice, based on extensive experience in the web startup and blockchain project industry.

Landing Pages and Whitepapers: Two Halves of a Whole

At their core, both of these tools serve a singular purpose: to capture the audience's attention for your project and, most importantly, to acquaint them with its main idea. Yes, they can often overlap in terms of content and themes, but it's crucial to recognize that these are distinct tools with specific features in how they are used and what content they should contain. However, when executed correctly, maximizing the strengths and specificities of each tool, it can significantly boost your project in its early stages and attract an interested audience.

Here are some general tips to consider when developing both a landing page and a whitepaper, particularly for blockchain startups:

Well-articulated, Thoughtful Idea

This is the most critical aspect. No matter how talented your design team is, if their work doesn't stem from clear and well-formulated business logic, it will be no more than a pretty comic that the user forgets immediately after reading. The idea doesn't necessarily have to be unique; sometimes, clones of existing projects with minimal feature adjustments have performed even better than their references. The idea must be clear: what features or mechanics will be implemented, what each feature can offer the user, and why it should interest them.


This is where your team of talented designers, hired in the previous point, becomes crucial. In today's world, it's challenging to keep a user's attention, even if you are conveying truly innovative ideas and valuable information, without vivid tools. Only a well-designed and visually appealing presentation will serve as the attractive wrapper for your "candy" that catches the audience's eye. Therefore, don't skimp on hiring quality and creative designers from the get-go, and if possible, involve a test audience.


You must provide users, especially potential investors, with a clear timeline of when, how, and in what direction your project will develop. Life is unpredictable, and anything can happen, including the possibility of halting at the MVP stage, making all planning seem pointless. Plans may need to be adjusted to cater to the most relevant functionalities for your users. Nonetheless, having a plan is essential. A clear, structured development plan shows investors the seriousness and foresight of your intentions. If you initially set your sights no further than a basic MVP, everyone will view your idea not as the beginning of a new exciting product but just another test application that no one will use.

Content Adaptability

The advice may seem quite straightforward, but it deserves to be highlighted, particularly for blockchain startups. Imagine a situation where a significant investor stumbles upon your landing page or whitepaper on their smartphone, only to see content that is optimized solely for desktop: small fonts, stretched images. He might simply close it as something uninteresting and move on to his other important tasks. Even if he wasn't particularly interested at that stage, the absence of mobile adaptability removes your project's only chance to impress him. This basic advice and example are essential, and the additional costs of making your content adaptable could very well pay off handsomely.

Landing Page: Your Business Card

Yes, while both landing pages and whitepapers essentially aim to achieve the same goal, they are distinct tools and require different approaches. Let's focus on the landing page. It often serves as the foundation and base for your future product. The landing page is usually the first point of contact for every new user, persuading and intriguing them. From this foundation, your platform gradually builds up features and content, transforming into a fully-fledged product. It's crucial to lay this foundation correctly, ensuring it's highly effective from the start, just like all future aspects of the app.

The primary goal of a landing page is to make a memorable first impression; it needs to be vibrant and memorable. This is where your team of designers and front-end developers should fully leverage their budget. The focus should be on easy information perception, visual appeal, and even emotional impact on the visitor. However, a clear call to action (CTA) is essential. The specific action depends on the current stage of your project. Pre-MVP, it could be as simple as encouraging newsletter sign-ups or registrations to keep interested users informed and returning until the project's functionality launches. For blockchain startups, this could include inviting participation in a token pre-sale (ICO), which is beneficial for you, dear founder, as early-stage investments are invaluable.

So, what should a quality landing page contain in general?

Memorable introduction

An eye-catching and memorable introduction, such as a striking slogan or phrase that instantly grabs user attention, highlighting the value of your idea. Ideally, the first screen, like the opening shot of a movie, should be visually impressive and pleasing to the eye, visually extending the concept introduced in the slogan. For instance, I'm particularly drawn to landing pages with quality parallax, so don't hesitate to invest in professional designers and front-end developers who can create the "landing page of your dreams."

Solution description

Every product solves a problem, even if users were previously unaware of it. Your task is to showcase these solutions, demonstrating how life can become slightly (or significantly) better, more convenient, and fulfilling with them. This section should also highlight advantages. Maybe someone else has solved this problem, but your solution is superior. Show this to the world!

Future product demonstration

Even if the product doesn't yet exist, don't be lazy. Sit down with a designer and business analyst to draft a few impressive frames of what your product will look like at its peak. The more vivid and interactive for the user, the better, as it will evoke emotions and anticipation for your product.


If the user has scrolled down to this part, they are genuinely interested, my friend. So, let them know when they can start using those eagerly awaited cool features of your product. I've already stressed the importance of this element for both whitepapers and landing pages. Ensure it's engaging and memorable on the landing page, even if it's not as detailed as in the whitepaper.

Call to action

After navigating through your landing page, the user is undoubtedly intrigued. Congratulations, you've evoked emotions! But emotions are fleeting, and you need to "strike while the iron is hot." As mentioned, provide the user with something to do, both for you and for themselves. Give them the chance to sign up for project updates, register, and show you, "Here I am! Your interested user! Your idea is awesome! Keep it up!"


Finally, showcase your talented and hardworking team. Let users see the faces of those who are working tirelessly to solve their problems.

SEO optimization

Don't forget about responsiveness, SEO optimization, and overall app optimization. All these details can create a powerful stream that propels you from your current position to the industry's summit.

Whitepaper: Your Business Plan for You and That Guy

If we evaluate whitepapers and landing pages on two scales: visual content and informational component, the landing page is about two-thirds visuals and one-third information and details. The whitepaper, however, is the exact opposite. But this doesn't mean the whitepaper should be a dry and dull collection of graphs and tables. In today's world, even a professional's attention needs to be captured with good visuals.

A key difference between a whitepaper and a landing page is the target audience. The landing page addresses a broad spectrum of potential users, while the whitepaper is aimed at investors, partners, advanced users, and analysts seeking a deep understanding of the project. Thus, the presentation of your idea's core concept must go beyond just a slogan, offering wider and deeper insight.

The focus shifts toward justifying the need for your project, its uniqueness, and advantages over existing solutions. Crucially, all this must be backed by data (preferably extensive) and an analysis of each project aspect. Here, you can unleash your "inner scientist" and enrich the whitepaper with statistics, research, and case studies to support your claims. Plus, it's essential to demonstrate your expertise and professionalism in the field you aim to improve with your product, making it sensible to hire a business analyst to develop a clear and effective business strategy for your future product.

Let's consider what a quality whitepaper should contain:

Table of Contents and Slogan

Like the first frame of a landing page, you can opt for visual appeal here to make it attractive and attention-grabbing.


Aim to clearly define the problem(s) your product intends to solve, supported by solutions. Presenting this in the form of your product's mission and long-term goals could be effective.

Market and Competitors

This section requires thorough research of the market segment you're entering. Describe the current market state, what could be improved, and how your product will make those improvements. Mention competitors and explain why your features will be better and more effective than theirs.

About Your Product

Gather your development team to detail your future product's specifics: the technologies used, system architecture, and everything that signifies you're developing something significant, not just a calculator. Linking technical details with the previous section, showing how your architectural and software solutions or new technologies will address problems better than competitors, would be ideal.

Decentralized Finance Projects

For projects leaning towards decentralized finance, consulting with a crypto financial analyst is indispensable. To convince investors to fund "not just another" crypto startup, work thoroughly and convincingly on the tokenomics, including formulas, test models, etc. C'est la vie, such is the segment you've chosen.


Unlike in the landing page, here the roadmap should be fully elaborated. Investors are systematic people who appreciate predictability and certainty. The roadmap should provide this, helping them understand when their investments will start to pay off. Clearly outline all key stages and goals of your project, preferably with timelines, serving as deadlines for you and your team.


A competent and experienced team plays a crucial role in investors' decision-making. Don't hesitate to describe the professional qualities of each team member, as well as advisors and partners. This will significantly influence the decision to invest in you and your idea.

Depending on your product's field, it may be necessary to convince investors of its legality and that its operations won't violate laws, thus posing no risk to their investment. Ensuring your product complies with regulatory requirements is beneficial primarily for you, as you wouldn't want to face legal penalties. After verifying everything yourself, lay out these details in the whitepaper.

Overall, strive to present information clearly and accessibly, avoiding complex technical jargon without explanations. As mentioned, wherever appropriate, convey information visually through graphs, diagrams, and images, making it easier for people to understand the same volume of information about your product.


That covers everything I wanted to share with you about landing pages and whitepapers, my dear founder. Remember, entrusting your work to professionals ensures results of a similar caliber. But, of course, all this should be under your careful guidance and inspired by your fantastic ideas. You will succeed! Until we meet again!

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