Persona - KYC 3rd party provider


The Internet is a double-edged sword, offering unparalleled access to both benevolent and malicious individuals worldwide. This universal accessibility poses a particular challenge for companies delivering digital services, especially those operating in the financial technology sector. Given the rise of money laundering and illicit activities conducted through the web and emerging platforms like Web3, identity verification becomes a critical necessity.

Engaging in manual, redundant identity checks for each new project is neither cost-effective nor smart. It's a repetitive and labor-intensive process that doesn't need to be reinvented every time. Enter KYC (Know Your Customer) services, which serve as a lifeline for these organizations. These services can easily be integrated into existing web applications or other software platforms, offering a streamlined solution for vetting customers. They provide a level of trust and compliance assurance, ensuring that companies can confidently transact and interact with their online customer base while minimizing risk and maintaining regulatory compliance.

In our journey to discover even more convenient, versatile, and technologically savvy solutions in the realm of identity verification, we came across Persona—a KYC service that we've chosen as the "hero" of this article. We were notably struck by its ease of use and flexibility, and we're enthusiastic about sharing our experience with integrating this innovative service. Persona doesn't just add a level of sophistication to the vetting process; it also allows for customization to meet unique business requirements. It's a game-changing platform that takes customer identity verification to a new echelon, making it a compelling choice for organizations aiming to safeguard their digital transactions while maintaining a seamless user experience.

Key features of Persona

Let's start by discussing the four verification form formats that Persona offers:

  1. Hosted: Send your customers an inquiry via a link.

  2. Embedded: Display an inquiry directly on your website.

  3. Native Mobile SDKs: Maintain your theme while using native capabilities.

  4. WebView: Utilize web flows for either Android or iOS.

This range of options enables you to integrate customer verification seamlessly into virtually any workflow, even those not originally designed with verification in mind. The Hosted format is particularly convenient as it doesn't require any changes to your current user interface. It simply redirects users to a dedicated page where they can complete the verification process. This level of adaptability positions Persona as a versatile solution for companies looking to enhance their security measures without sacrificing user experience. The second standout feature of Persona is its highly flexible, multifunctional, and interactive flow-editor for creating verification forms. While Persona does offer a range of pre-set verification forms that can easily satisfy 90% of corporate needs for integrating KYC procedures, it also provides a powerful option for those looking for something more tailored. A built-in editor allows you to assemble a custom verification flow, incorporating modular elements for various types of user information verification. Whether you need to validate phone numbers, capture selfies, or collect additional documents, this editor makes it simple to incorporate a myriad of verification elements. This flexibility is a real game-changer, offering businesses the ability to secure their online interactions without sacrificing adaptability or user experience.

In scenarios where the verification form requires users to submit additional documents—such as when one of our clients wanted to include an investor accreditation check for their users—Persona provides a user-friendly admin dashboard. This dashboard allows for manual validation of these extra documents after reviewing what the user has submitted. Moreover, it conveniently compiles all the collected information during the verification process in one place.

This feature enables swift and comprehensive data retrieval on each specific client should the need arise. Such functionalities add another layer of convenience and security, making Persona an even more compelling choice for businesses aiming to balance rigorous verification with administrative ease.

Each verification flow can be conveniently linked to a specific web hook, allowing for real-time transfer of verification data directly to your server. From there, you can execute specific logic based on the verification results. The system can operate either without the use of Persona's admin panel, relying solely on API functionalities, or by combining both methods. You can also configure the web hook to trigger upon admin approval of a form. This eliminates the need to spend time developing a custom admin panel UI for your web application; instead, you can simply create endpoints that will receive and process the verification results. This level of automation and adaptability makes it easier for businesses to implement their desired workflows, effectively balancing security and operational efficiency.


This article intentionally avoids discussing any pitfalls or challenges that may arise during integration, simply because we didn't encounter any. Persona offers an intuitively designed service that is as easy for developers to implement as it is for users to navigate. Its flexibility and customizability ensure that it can meet 99.9% of any business requirements related to user verification in your application.

However, perfection has no limit. In future iterations, we hope the developers behind Persona will incorporate machine learning technologies for automatic validation of custom documents. This would further automate and simplify the verification process, even when dealing with the most complex user verification forms. Such an enhancement would make an already robust platform even more compelling for businesses aiming to achieve a high level of security without sacrificing user experience or operational efficiency.

Free technical consultation on Persona or another KYC integration

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Last updated